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How to design a sailing ship for the 21st century?

On board the ship `Garthsnaid' at sea. A view from high up in the rigging. Image by Allan C. Green, circa 1920.  The sailing ship is a textbook example of sustainability. For at least 4,000 years, sailing ships have transported passengers and cargo across the world’s seas and oceans without using a single drop of…

By |2023-02-15T14:16:39+00:00February 15th, 2023|design|0 Comments

Visual design rules you can safely follow

You do not have to follow these rules every time. If you have a good reason to break any of them, do. But they are safe to follow every time. Use near-black and near-white instead of pure black and white Pure black looks unnatural on a screen, and pure white is too bright. Use close-to-black…

By |2023-02-07T10:17:15+00:00February 7th, 2023|design|0 Comments

Design your pricing and tools so you can adapt them later

In this blog post I’ll talk about three pricing architecture concepts that I think are really important in modern billing – designing pricing and packaging to be adaptable. I’ll build upon the experience our billing infrastructure team had at Pleo, which has allowed us to expand to new geographies, currencies, and adapt pricing very rapidly.…

By |2023-02-05T09:14:26+00:00February 5th, 2023|design|0 Comments
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