To the OWASP Board of Directors and the Executive Director of the OWASP Foundation,

OWASP was first set up over two decades ago. The Internet, the way we build software, and the security industry, has changed so much that those days are hardly recognizable today.

As a group of OWASP flagship project leaders and lifelong contributors, we believe that OWASP hasn’t kept pace and evolved to support the needs of important parts of our community today, especially our flagship projects. What worked in the past simply isn’t working now and OWASP needs to change.

We have written and published this open letter, knowing that other parts of the community also support our concerns, and are asking the OWASP Board of Directors to take action. Year after year, concerns have been raised and there have been promises of change, but year after year it hasn’t happened. The gap between what our projects and the community around them want, and the support that OWASP provides, continues to grow wider.

Today, many projects operate independently, in some cases managing their own sponsorships, finance, websites, domains, communication platforms, and developer tools. Projects still operate on a best-efforts model that relies on a few individuals working in their spare time. While admirable, these are projects that, as they have grown, are now relied on by thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of security professionals and that have many millions of downloads each year. We don’t want to become commercial open-core businesses, but do want to be able to create, and sustain commercial quality open-source projects.

Without active world class projects, OWASP doesn’t have a unique selling point and projects need constant guidance, mentoring, and investment for them to grow and keep the brand where it should be: First and foremost for all things application security.

There are five key areas that we feel if not addressed immediately, will result in important projects, like ours, leaving OWASP in search of, or creating a community that better meets their needs. We don’t want that to happen.

  1. The Foundation should publish and maintain a community plan that should include its prioritized key project initiatives, along with a suitable funding plan to support them. The OSSF plan is a useful example to reference.
  2. The Foundation’s governance structure should better reflect the needs of the entire security community, increasing access and participation for corporate practitioners, governments, major sponsors, and key technology providers. We believe this can be achieved with vendor independence and is particularly necessary to attract financial sponsorship and key industry partnerships.
  3. The Foundation’s funding should reflect the needs of our and other flagship projects to both sustain and improve them. We believe this would likely be in the region of five to ten million dollars per year for our projects alone. The money would be used to pay for dedicated developers, community managers, and other support staff. We would like to work with the foundation to develop project by project plans.
  4. The Foundation should provide improved infrastructure and services to the community so that projects can focus on the projects themselves.
  5. The Foundation should actively manage the project portfolio and local chapters, ensuring that the community is always reflected in the best possible light and that we are able to attract and retain the best talent for the community. A plan, leadership, active community management, mentoring, and better tooling are all needed.

This letter is written with positive intent and we believe is in the best interests of the OWASP community and those that rely on it. We appreciate that this is a change from how OWASP operates today, but have conviction that OWASP is at a tipping point and needs to evolve now.

We all want to be part of the OWASP community and for it to continue to be successful in the decades to come.

We ask that you respond within 30 days, with a plan of action to address the five points above.

Yours truly,

Simon Bennetts, OWASP ZAP founder and co-project leader, OWASP VWAD co-project leader

Ricardo Pereira, OWASP ZAP co-project leader

Glenn ten Cate, Security Knowledge Framework founder and co-project leader & OWASP Board Member

Akshath Kothari, OWASP ZAP core team member

Mark Curphey, OWASP founder and 2023 board member

Daniel Cuthbert, OWASP ASVS

Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP SAMM co-project leader and OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook (OTMP) founder and project leader

Bart De Win, OWASP SAMM co-project leader

Maxim Baele, OWASP SAMM core team member

Rick Mitchell, OWASP ZAP co-project leader, OWASP Web Security Testing Guide co-project leader, OWASP VWAD co-project leader

Steve Springett, OWASP CycloneDX and OWASP Dependency-Track founder and co-project leader

Patrick Dwyer, OWASP CycloneDX co-project leader

Björn Kimminich, OWASP Juice Shop founder and project leader

Niklas Düster, OWASP Dependency-Track co-project leader

Jeroen Willemsen, OWASP WrongSecrets project leader

Jeremy Long, OWASP dependency-check founder and project lead and OWASP Java Encoder contributor

Cole Cornford, OWASP Code Review Guide project lead and OWASP XSS Prevention CheatSheet author

Ben Gittins, OWASP Member and Contributor

Erwin Geirnaert, Creator of the first OWASP WebGoat Solutions Guide, first OWASP Top 10 for Java and part of the OWASP Community since 2000

Robin Wood, OWASP contributor and supporter

Rob Grant, OWASP contributor

Arkaprabha Chakraborty, OWASP contributor and OWASP ZAP extended team member

Curtis Koenig, Founding member OWASP Louisville, Former Chapter Leader OWASP Louisville, OWASP Member

Cláudio André, OWASP MASTG Top Contributer

István Albert-Tóth, OWASP CSRFGuard project co-lead

Katie Paxton-Fear, educational web security YouTuber

Jakub Maćkowski, OWASP contributor and OWASP Cheat Sheet Series co-project leader

Somdev Sangwan, Open Source Security Tools Developer

Edoardo Ottavianelli, Open Source Security Tools Developer

Aram Hovsepyan, OWASP SAMM core team member

Brian Glas, OWASP Top 10 Co-Lead, OWASP SAMM Core team member, OWASP SAMM Benchmark Co-Lead

Jeff Williams, OWASP Chair from 2001-2011, Creator of OWASP Top Ten, WebGoat, ESAPI, ASVS, XSS Prevention Cheatsheet, OWASP Legal, Chapters Program, OWASP Foundation, the OWASP Wiki, and more

Dimitar Raichev, OWASP SAMM contributor & tool developer

Dinis Cruz, Past OWASP Board member, organiser of multiple OWASP Conferences and Summits, lead multiple OWASP projects and chapters

Sachin Kumar Dhaka, OWASP Jaipur Member and Budding Security Researcher

Jessy Ayala, OWASP Member and Contributor

Paul McCann, OWASP Security Shepherd maintainer and contributor

Karan Preet Singh Sasan, Owasp VulnerableApp project leader and OWASP ZAP extended team member

Daniel Wood, OWASP Lifetime Member

Bharath, OWASP (Bangalore Chapter) Member and Contributor

John Viega, original OWASP advisory board member, OWASP Lifetime Member

Carol Valencia, Security cloud-native and open-source enthusiast

Jimmy Mesta, OWASP Kubernetes Top Ten Project Leader and Cheatsheet Contributor

Lewis Ardern, OWASP Bay Area Chapter Leader (2019-2022), and created the What is OWASP? Video

Alvin Smith, OWASP Juice Shop Contributor

Sven Schleier, OWASP Mobile Application Security, Co-Project Leader of OWASP MASVS and MASTG

Carlos Holguera, OWASP Mobile Application Security, Co-Project Leader of OWASP MASVS and MASTG

Jeroen Beckers, OWASP Mobile Application Security, Co-Author of OWASP MASVS and MASTG

Shubham Palriwala, OWASP Juice Shop Core Team member

Pinaki Mondal, Open Source Security Tools Developer

Zsolt Imre, CTO at private company

Eoin Keary, Former OWASP Global Board Vice Chair (2010-2015), Former Testing and Code Review Guide lead

Deepayan Chanda, Principal Cybersecurity Architect

Martín Marsicano, OWASP Lifetime Member, Former Chapter Leader OWASP Uruguay and several projects contributor

Paul Schwarzenberger, OWASP Domain Protect creator and project leader

Abraham Aranguren, OWASP OWTF Project creator and project leader

Viyat Bhalodia, OWASP OWTF Project project leader

Dave Ferguson, Project contributor and former chapter leader

Josh Larsen, OWASP Lifetime Member

Sergey Pronin, Principal Security Architect, OWASP Lifetime Member

James, BugBounter, Pentester and OWASP passionate

Kevin W. Wall, OWASP ESAPI project co-lead, OWASP Lifetime Member, and OWASP ZAP and OWASP Cheat Sheets Series contributor

Cesar Kohl, OWASP ASVS and OWASP Cheat Sheets Series contributor

Simon Whittaker, OWASP Lifetime Member

Frank Catucci, CTO and Head of Security Research at Invicti, OWASP Member and former OWASP Chapter Leader

Ingo Struck, Former OWASP Leader, creator of the name WebGoat, OWASP Lifetime Member

Francesco Maria Ferazza, Director of IT, security lecturer and researcher

Antonio Montillo, OWASP enthusiast

Daniel Neagaru, OWASP Raider project leader

Rejah Rehim, OWASP Kerala Chapter leader

Grant Ongers, OWASP Lifetime Member, OWASP Cornucopia and OWASP Application Security Curriculum project co-lead

Tom Brennan, OWASP Lifetime Member, Former Board Member (10) Years (, Former NYC Chapter Leader (15) Years (, and project contributor to many efforts including OWASP RFP Criteria (, OWASP Virtual Village ( etc.

Patrick Reijnders, CISO, OWASP enthusiast; started using the Top Ten as a developer in 2004, now using it as a guideline for pentesting.

Published on 2023/02/13

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